Florida Aid Programs

University of Miami’s EASE Grant Performance Measures on Access Rate, Affordability Rate, Graduation Rate, Retention Rate and Postgraduate Employment Rate are specifically listed on the ICUF Dashboard.

Florida Aid Programs Available to Florida Residents

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  • Effective Access to Student Education Grant (EASE)

    Funding for the Effective Access to Student Education (EASE) award is set annually by the Florida legislature for eligible Florida residents. In 2022-23, the amount is $2,000 per student. The Certification of Florida Residency must be completed and submitted to the OSFAE by all new incoming first-year and transfer students. The preferred date is June 30 for the Fall semester award and December 1 for the Spring semester award. Preference is given to applications received by these dates; all others will be awarded on a fund available basis.

    The FAFSA will also be accepted in lieu of the Florida Residency application; however, two supporting documents will still be required for the certification process. See the Certification of Florida Residency application for detailed descriptions of all acceptable documentation. If you submitted a valid application for the previous academic year and are still eligible, you will not be required to submit another application for the current academic year.

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